St. Christopher's Episcopal Church

What to Expect

What May I Expect at Saint Christopher’s?

How long are the liturgies?
The 8 am Holy Eucharist is said, and lasts about 45 minutes. The 10 am Choral Eucharist includes congregational and choral song, and lasts a little more than one hour.

Should I bring my Bible?
If you wish. However, everything you need, including Scripture readings, is in the service leaflet, which the ushers will give you. View a sample service leaflet by clicking here.

What should I wear?
You will find people dressed casually, more formally and a great variety in between. Just be yourself. You will fit in.

Where should I sit?
Sit wherever you are comfortable. Make yourself at home.

Where should I park?
The town has a large, free parking lot behind the church. Parking is also available on street.

May I bring my children to church services?
Children are welcome and active participants in all St. Christopher’s liturgies. Activity bags for younger children are available in the narthex.

May my children receive communion?
Children are welcome to receive communion at their parents’/guardians’ discretion.

What are Liturgies Like at Saint Christopher’s?

We are a liturgical church. “Liturgy” means “the work of the people.” Our work in worship has three parts:

The Word of God:  Four readings from Scripture (Old Testament, Psalm, New Testament and Gospel) and a short sermon, 8–15 minutes. Following the sermon, we recite a creed and say a prayer of confession and receive pardon for our sins.

The Prayers of the People:  We pray for the concerns of each other, our community and the world. After the prayers, we greet each other in God’s name. This is called passing the peace. Just turn to your neighbor and say something like “The peace of God be with you” or simply, “Peace.” After announcements a collection is taken, while the choir sings an anthem. You are free to contribute or not as you wish.

The Holy Communion:  Holy Communion is the high point of the Episcopal service. It is also called the Eucharist or Great Thanksgiving. You are welcome to come forward to receive communion, which consists of bread and wine. Just hold out your hands for the bread and take a sip from the cup, or if you don’t wish to receive, cross your hands on your chest to receive a blessing from the priest. Or if you prefer, you can remain in your seat during this part of the service. Do what is comfortable for you.

Services end with the dismissal at which point we are sent on our way in peace to love and serve God in our lives.