St. Christopher's Episcopal Church

Chatham Food Pantry

The Chatham Food Pantry (CFP) is one of nine food pantries managed by the Lower Cape Outreach Council (LCOC). The Chatham Food Pantry is supported by St. Christopher’s Church, which provides rent-free space as well as administrative services.

What we do

In an average month, the Chatham Food Pantry provides 250 bags of food to 200 clients including more than 60 children. Approximately two tons of food are distributed monthly with 50% coming from the Greater Boston Food Bank and the balance purchased from or donated by local sources.

Guidelines for Becoming a Client

CFP services the residents of Chatham and those employed in Chatham. In order to be accepted into the program, a prospective client must bring proof of Chatham residency  or employment in order to register and be given food (license, rental agreement, phone bill, electric bill—something with current address). A client is then eligible to come to the pantry every two weeks.

When a client arrives at CFP, parking is available in the parking lot at the rear of St. Christopher’s Church. The CFP entrance is along the side driveway of the church.


Tuesday: 4–6 pm walk-in (no appointments needed)
Thursday: 3–5 pm walk-in (no appointments needed)
Weather closures on days when Nauset Schools or Monomoy Schools are closed.


Please make checks payable to “Chatham Food Pantry”

Mail to:
Chatham Food Pantry
625 Main Street
Chatham, MA 02633

Alternately, make a secure online donation here:


Chatham Food Pantry:  508-945-1813